

Some More Jackson Scenery 2012 and Tips for Raspberry Gathering

Recently at Cascades Park they have added an "urban fishery". There's a gazebo style building, a dock, various concrete rocks that reach into the new pond area, and a bunch of new concrete paths and sidewalks. All the water pictures in this post will be from the "urban fishery". The woodland photos were taken this spring in Ella Sharp park. Ella Sharp park has just oodles and oodles of raspberry bushes throughout its woods. If you're a raspberry fan and don't mind getting eaten alive by mosquitoes during your pursuit of fresh fruit, i recommend taking a basket over to the park during mid to late July through mid August. Most people don't want to brave the mosquitoes so the raspberries often will be left to continue to grow. Always wash the fruit once you get it home though, and i mean WASH, not rinse. Buy a fruit/veggie wash in the natural food section of the grocery store. There's a lot of animals and a few dirty people (we found an old mattress being used as a bed, a garbage stash, human poo, etc in the woods, so beware!) that go through the woods. So WASH whatever you bring home from there.

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